We are very excited to be a Georgia Power-approved multi-family auditor. This exciting new rebate program is an excellent way to subsidize the cost of making energy efficiency improvements in apartment buildings, community housing authorities, and loft apartments. This rebate program applies to small apartment buildings with as few as 5 units to large complexes with hundreds of units.
The Georgia Power multifamily rebate program is similar to the single-family rebate program. The rebate for the initial audit is $75 and the rebate for implementing the improvements and achieving a 20% projected power reduction is $500/unit. Just like the single-family “Whole House” rebate program, an energy audit is required before the work is started and a testout must be completed to measure the efficiency improvements after the work is completed. The nice thing about the audit process in the multi-family program is that we only have to audit 15% of the units in the complex per floor of each building. Georgia Power allows us to do this because of the similarity of the apartments in each building. This guideline brings the cost down dramatically and makes this program a terrific value for an apartment owner that is looking to improve the efficiency of the building while increasing value and cash flow for the property.
Georgia Power multifamily rebates
- Energy audit rebate………………………..$75/audit
- 20% Home Energy Reduction………….$500/unit in complex